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Restricting input/output file formats allowed? #330

Open abenx162 opened 1 year ago

abenx162 commented 1 year ago

Hi Profs,

Our app has a feature that is intended to import/export from only .csv files, as recorded in our UG. However, we discovered that our import/export features currently also work perfectly fine with other file formats too, like .txt or .xlsx. Would we be allowed to add a check to ensure that the import/export file format must be .csv? Since it is effectively removing the "feature" of importing/exporting non-csv file formats.

Thank you!

damithc commented 1 year ago

@abenx162 It is more like adding a validity check, not removing a feature. I suggest clearly stating in the UG that the feature is meant for importing csv files. If the user decides to use some other format, they will be doing that at their own risk. But you can list this extra check under Planned Enhancements section in the DB.