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Is this validity check considered to be fixing a bug that might make our app unusable? #335

Open bokuanT opened 1 year ago

bokuanT commented 1 year ago

Our app contains graphs where the axes are limited. Any values outside of this range cannot be displayed:


If we add validity checks for these values to fall only within the range (we allow any values currently), is this a bug fix?

damithc commented 1 year ago

@bokuanT Currently, what happens when a value falls out of the range?

bokuanT commented 1 year ago

The following are some possible cases where a value falls out range:


Ammonia (top left) has 3 values above the limit of our y axis (4). There are 3 readings with values [5,6,7]

Temperature (top right) has the first value in range, second above the limit and the third below the limit, with values [25,800,-1]

pH (bottom) has the first and third value in the limit and the second value below the limit, with values [2,-5,7]

damithc commented 1 year ago

I see. Dropping data from the graph without any indication of doing so can be considered an incorrect behavior. You can fix it, but do it in a way that minimized code changes.