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Smoke Testing TP for Linux #337

Closed angjunkang closed 1 year ago

angjunkang commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

Could any Linux user help to conduct a smoke test on the JAR file for my tp? During the PE Dry Run, there were issues with the JavaFX's UI in the Linux environment with our JAR file. Unfortunately, as there are no Linux users within my team, we are unable to debug and test the application in question.

I would be grateful if anyone could provide any insights and testing for this issue. Preferably, the operating system used would be Arch Linux with KDE-Plasma version 5.27.3-1. However, any other Linux distro would be welcomed as well. Additionally, if there are any issues encountered during the testing process, it would be appreciated if screenshots could be provided for reference.

Thank you all in advance!

JAR File link:

nus-se-bot commented 1 year ago

Tagging a few other students (randomly selected) who have completed related increments, in case they can help: @benedict733 @toh-xinyi @hingen @harin0826 @jeremykhoo-NUS @gohyongjing @kennycjy @immanuelhume @owen-yap @Zxun2 @filbertphang @lywich @FredericChow00 @Beebeeoii @laihuiqi Others are welcome to pitch in too.

immanuelhume commented 1 year ago

ur team's app looks fine on my laptop (arch, i3wm)

specifically what issues r u referring to?

angjunkang commented 1 year ago

Hi @immanuelhume, There was initially a problem with the UI but I did some changes so I need to check if it work now. Seems to be working from your screenshot except the fact that the command bar and result display box is a little small.

Thanks for helping me to test it! I appreciate it a lot! I'll leave this thread here to see if the UI is working on other Linux distro.

hingen commented 1 year ago

Hi, as the one that originally reported this issue during the PE-D, your fix works great.


angjunkang commented 1 year ago

Hi @hingen,

Thank you for testing and the insights you have shared through email!

With this, I'll close this thread now since it seems to be working for at least 2 people using Linux. Thanks all!

Beebeeoii commented 1 year ago

tested on Manjaro. looks okay!


angjunkang commented 1 year ago

Thank you @Beebeeoii! Appreciate it!