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are we allowed to implement sanity checks for v1.4 #349

Open bryanongjx opened 1 year ago

bryanongjx commented 1 year ago

In our PED, some reviewers brought up the bug whereby the users are able to:

  1. key in strings like "this is a test" with multiple whitespaces in between words to break the duplicate constraint. (sorry github issues has auto trimmed my whitespaces so you cant see it)
  2. key in numbers with super long decimal places like 1.4845193285

we wish to fix these issues by:

  1. trimming the user input to remove the white spaces "this is a test" -> "this is a test"
  2. only allowing users to key in numbers to max 1d.p

are we allowed to fix these 2 issues in v1.4? thank you!

salty-flower commented 1 year ago

According to W12 tP Info Page, it states that:

Allowed in the v1.4 milestone:

fixing bugs (but not feature flaws) improving documentation improving code quality improving tests removing features

So I guess such bug fixes should be acceptable? 🤔

damithc commented 1 year ago

@bryanongjx Q5 of this FAQ applies here.