nus-cs2103-AY2223S2 / forum

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Precedence of Bug Type #390

Closed Beebeeoii closed 1 year ago

Beebeeoii commented 1 year ago

If there is a bug that differs from the UG (for example, UG advertises that the app can do A, but the app does B instead), is it more right to say that it is a documentation bug as the UG is not updated to reflect that the app does B now, or is it more right to say that it is a feature flaw since there is a difference between the UG and the app?

thanks !

damithc commented 1 year ago

@Beebeeoii Provided both options (i.e., changing the app or the UG) are viable, this is largely the team's call.

If you are worried that this will affect your accuracy bonus, not to worry; we already take this into account when calculating the accuracy.

Beebeeoii commented 1 year ago

thanks !

damithc commented 1 year ago

@Beebeeoii To add, if both type.FeatureFlaw and type.DocumentationBug are viable categories for a bug, if the bug was reported during Phase 1 Part II (during which only the latter category is allowed), the team should not reject it for being a feature flaw that was reported during the documentation testing period.