nus-cs2103-AY2223S2 / pe-dev-response

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Clear all vaccination data #3277

Open nus-pe-bot opened 1 year ago

nus-pe-bot commented 1 year ago

Expected: Only deletion of vaccinations that cause some appointment to become invalid should be rejected.

Actual: Only 2 of 12 vaccination cleared, while I only have one of them in appointment (Does 2 (Moderna))


[original: nus-cs2103-AY2223S2/pe-interim#4329] [original labels: type.FunctionalityBug severity.Medium]

daitenshionyan commented 1 year ago

Team's Response

Below shows the description of vaccination clear command:

clear - Clear all vaccination data


From this, the clear command is meant to wipe all vaccination data from the system.

However, to protect the user's data and prevent unintended further losses, the clear command will stop its process if it detects that deleting a vaccination will make an appointment invalid.

If the user's intention was to intentionally clear all vaccination data for real, he would have intentionally added the --force true argument as well. From the screenshot, the eeerror message states this as well.

However, if your bug is to delete all vaccinations that would not result in an invalid appointment, then this is not in scope as this feature is

For this reason, we have classified this under NotInScope, FeatureFlaw as the described clear is a new feature. The serverity has also been reduced to Low as only a minority of users will want to clear such vaccination data (vaccinations that will not make an appointment invalid) and as it is, without this clear feature, the application is still usuable.

Duplicate status (if any):
