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Share your iP GUI here #101

Open damithc opened 1 year ago

damithc commented 1 year ago

If you have managed to implement the iP GUI (i.e., Level-10) already, you are encouraged to share a screenshot of your GUI here.

woojiahao commented 1 year ago

My GUI looks a little like this:

Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 13 59 33

It is functionally very similar to the original but I just reduced the image/text size of the user and made the emphasis on the text displayed. I also resolved a minor issue with the display container not showing all the content

Hope this helps!

jason-raiin commented 1 year ago

It's basically the same as what the tutorial provided, just with minor customisations to the images and the text.


Tip for VSCode users: sometimes classpaths are wonky and you should try Java: Clean Java Language Workspace Server from the Command Palette (⇧⌘P) if your Class::getResourceAsStream() is throwing IO errors.

lunaflight commented 1 year ago

Picture of GUI

My GUI looks like this and is basically equivalent to the one in the JavaFX tutorial, just with a different image. I hope this provides a good reference point for anybody!

keaganpzh commented 1 year ago

Mine looks like this:

alt text

I wrapped the input and response in text bubbles to simulate the look and feel of a messaging app. I also added timestamps for each message. :-)

RoeReRe commented 1 year ago

My GUI looks similar to the JavaFX tutorial but I played around with the colors and fonts.

The scrollpane essentially contains a VBox of HBoxes. If anyone has trouble with the texts truncating to "..." in your scrollpane, do take a look at your Fit to height and Pref Height settings.

inezkok commented 1 year ago


My GUI looks pretty much like the one in the JavaFX tutorial except that I chaged the images for Duke and the User. For anyone who had troubles with their text becoming an ellipsis in the dialog box, you can remove the prefHeight in the VBox in the MainWindow.fxml

<ScrollPane fx:id="scrollPane" hbarPolicy="NEVER" hvalue="1.0" prefHeight="557.0" prefWidth="400.0" vvalue="1.0">
            <VBox fx:id="dialogContainer" prefWidth="388.0" />
shishirbychapur commented 1 year ago

Screenshot (247)

My GUI is pretty different from the tutorial. I just linked a CSS file, and touched up a few components to make them look better.

mingyuanc commented 1 year ago

Mine is the same except that I used a text bubble and a circular image for the display picture

Vanessamae23 commented 1 year ago


TeeRenJing commented 1 year ago
Bombbird2001 commented 1 year ago

Screenshot 2023-09-06 134434

Similar to original, added delay between user sending command and bot replying to simulate thinking

lsyurea commented 1 year ago
Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 3 57 29 PM

Similar to the original

yucongkoo commented 1 year ago


For my GUI, it is very similar to the original, just made the picture circular, added some spacing between the picture and text and making the text able to display wholely.

iyioon commented 1 year ago


Here is my GUI with circular image, and some padding to make it nicer 👍

joeng03 commented 1 year ago


Here is my GUI with circular images and a send icon

leezhanpeng commented 1 year ago

This is my GUI


As referred from the tutorial.

lipwei1808 commented 1 year ago

Here is mine!

Screenshot 2023-09-07 at 4 13 29 PM
RiyaMehta2211 commented 1 year ago
Screenshot 2023-09-10 at 9 30 54 PM

here is mine!

proto-aiken-13 commented 1 year ago

(Images hand-drawn by me :) )

damithc commented 1 year ago

(Images hand-drawn by me :) )

Nice touch @proto-aiken-13 !

li-rongzhi commented 1 year ago

This is mine!

A1WAYSD commented 1 year ago

Here's mine! Inspired by the animation EVA.

Screenshot 2023-09-17 at 18 23 32
eyelessrhyme7 commented 12 months ago


I've added a cool dark theme and randomized motivational quotes from beloved Video-Game character, Capt. Price.

WangCheng0116 commented 12 months ago
Screenshot 2023-09-23 at 11 36 36 PM
mamayuan commented 12 months ago

/ Ui

suryanshkushwaha commented 11 months ago
