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Missing CS2101 context when testing documentation #530

Closed Cloud7050 closed 9 months ago

Cloud7050 commented 9 months ago

I am exempted from CS2101, and thus am taking CS2103 standalone. My tutorial mates and I have never taken the former course and do not have access to its materials. Thus I have not heard about the goings-on in that course; I have no context as to the additional requirements that it turns out CS2101 places on this course's documentation, such as the UG.

Still, I was assigned to test the product of a team whose documentation has to fulfill both courses' rubrics. I was thus missing important context under which some of that team's documentation was written and phrased (e.g. tone), and the reasons behind why they may have made certain decisions that differ from that of the teams I have seen so far.

It is only now that my assigned team has responded, including content such as screenshots, files, and keywords that I am finding out/hearing about for the first time, that I am learning of this difference. This has negatively impacted my report accuracy, especially since I was only able to make mainly documentation-related reports for their product for lack of other types of issues found. Had I known some of this information beforehand, I would have made my reports differently/made different reports altogether.

Will any of this be taken into account when it comes to grading for accuracy? I feel like this would not have been a concern had the team assignment been done amongst teams who are also not taking CS2101.

damithc commented 9 months ago

@Cloud7050 can you email me the issue numbers that are affected by this?

Cloud7050 commented 9 months ago

@Cloud7050 can you email me the issue numbers that are affected by this?

Yes, I have sent you an email as a follow up. Thank you.

damithc commented 9 months ago

In case any other CS2103 student with similar concerns is reading this thread, here is the relevant part from my email reply to @Cloud7050

I can understand that you are worried about being disadvantaged because CS2101 covers communications topics closer to CS2103/T compared to the equivalent communications course you have taken (CS2101 fulfils a university level communication course requirement, which means you must have taken a similar course too). But the effect of CS2101 on the CS2103 grade is minimal (i.e., things taught in CS2101 are graded on CS2101 side rather than CS2103 side -- e.g., CS2101 focuses on the language aspect while CS2103 focuses on the technical content). In addition, CS2103 grading and CS2103T grading is done as two separate courses.