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Share your iP GUI here #215

Open damithc opened 5 months ago

damithc commented 5 months ago

If you have managed to implement the iP GUI (i.e., Level-10) already, you are encouraged to share a screenshot of your GUI here.

kailashgautham commented 5 months ago

My GUI is very close to the one from the tutorial.

alfaloo commented 5 months ago
Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 12 14 53 PM

I tried to personalise my GUI and make it unique!

kailashgautham commented 5 months ago

This looks great Zhiyang - congratulations!

itstrueitstrueitsrealitsreal commented 5 months ago
Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 12 25 21 PM

I personally made some adjustments to the font and the dialog box.

soons1 commented 5 months ago
Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 12 34 55 PM

My GUI is very similar to the JavaFX tutorial, and the main changes in my UI was made to simplify the reponse printed. On the CLI, I had line breaks but I chose to remove it as it seemed out of place on the GUI.

chewbum commented 5 months ago


My GUI is very similar to the tutorial.

UdhayaShan1 commented 5 months ago


unable to make the dialogbox fit the text tho

AidenLYT commented 5 months ago

GUI is similar to the tutorial. Able to load saved tasks automatically when user start the chatbot 😄

kokerinks commented 5 months ago


Mine is also similar to the javafx tutorial ^ Added basic background colors with styling

Jerome-j commented 5 months ago

Mine is also similar to the tutorial. Will share more updates if I change the UI somemore!

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 2 07 41 PM
tankh99 commented 5 months ago

@Jerome-j Awesome!

Jerome-j commented 5 months ago

@Jerome-j Awesome!

Thank you @tankh99 for your affirmation!

qinxutan commented 5 months ago


this is mine! still working on the ui to make it nicer hahha :,)

Arixeyeion commented 5 months ago


Similar to tutorial, able to load/save, closes upon "bye", checks for date format and certain simple errors. Still have to beautify and add more exception handling.

tohlh commented 5 months ago
Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 18 40 05

My GUI is basically the same as the JavaFX tutorial. It closes upon "bye" command.

g-tejas commented 5 months ago

CleanShot 2024-02-06 at 20 47 35@2x Here's mine, essentially same as the tutorial

dillontkh commented 5 months ago

My take on the GUI, simple chat message coloring and elements that are responsive when you resize the window.

Screenshot 2024-02-06 223050

Screenshot 2024-02-06 223058

kailashgautham commented 5 months ago

CleanShot 2024-02-06 at 20 47 35@2x Here's mine, essentially same as the tutorial

Quite a gorgeous application, well done Tejas!

NeoHW commented 5 months ago

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 12 46 19 AM

A simple and clean UI following the style of the tutorial

Anant1902 commented 5 months ago

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 1 57 48 AM

Personalized my chatbot 🔥

yiwern5 commented 5 months ago


tankh99 commented 5 months ago
Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 4 19 10 PM

I noticed that the longer my conversation with duke, the slower it was. Very strange. Anyway, this is my GUI, nothing much

Jerome-j commented 5 months ago
Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 4 19 10 PM

I noticed that the longer my conversation with duke, the slower it was. Very strange. Anyway, this is my GUI, nothing much

Hi @tankh99 I LOVE your UI! Great job

fy17ohhh commented 5 months ago
jmsandiegoo commented 5 months ago
sindhurajain commented 5 months ago

similar to the one in the tutorial, just made images rounded

sun-ruiheng commented 5 months ago
Screenshot 2024-02-13 at 11 41 05 AM

Look, there's a Nai Long!

jyztintan commented 5 months ago

A bit late but here's a screenshot of my GUI with the B-ViewSchedules extension. I implemented it such that it returns all deadlines that fall on that given date and events that coincide with that input date.

howen02 commented 5 months ago
guanquann commented 5 months ago


sethteo commented 5 months ago

Screenshot 2024-02-09 at 8 03 50 AM

bryanyee33 commented 5 months ago


sebin0817 commented 5 months ago
damithc commented 5 months ago

Thanks to those who shared GUIs here so far. BTW, a classmate is looking for advice on how to make the GUI content adjust with Window size. If you can help, please chime in in

aureliony commented 5 months ago


bachletuankhai commented 5 months ago

bachletuankhai's GUI

Inspiration taken from Facebook Messenger.

Lin-Shuang-Shuang commented 5 months ago


c-wenlong commented 5 months ago

My UI featuring our beloved CS Profs.