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Regarding code reuse from already existing AB3 code #783

Open JonChong98 opened 5 months ago

JonChong98 commented 5 months ago

In the code reuse guidelines (found at to an external site.), it states that if we reuse existing code from AB3 for our individual contributions to the tP, it should not appear under our own names unless we modify it significantly.

In my view command implementation I largely followed the way the delete command was implemented in AB3 due to extreme similarities in how my command functioned (both commands use the index provided to grab the relevant person object and perform an action with it). As such, the structure and format for my view command, command parser and tests are rather similar to the existing AB3 code. But for the actual implementation of the command, action performed with the person object and output generated by the command, it is completely different.

In the comment at the top of the java files for the view command implementation, I did mention how the code for the view command heavily borrows from the delete command due to its similarities as a form of reuse attribution.


So I want to check:

  1. Is that significant enough change to warrant having the code be attributed to myself without causing any plagiarism issues?
  2. Is the reuse attribution sufficient for my case?
damithc commented 5 months ago

@JonChong98 If you implement a new command Y that follows an existing AB3 command X, you don't even need to claim any reuse in Y. The similarity between X and Y is expected. But you should not claim credit for X code if you did only some minor change to it.