Modify name to john doe and run add n/john doe p/98765432 e/ a/Clementi Ave 123, Blk 321, #12-345 lvl/P5 sub/math-B sub/science-C+
As stated in the UG, "capitalization (e.g. jOhN DoE ) or extra/leading/trailing spaces does not affect the value". This means that "John Doe" and "john doe" should be treated the same, and an error should be prompted.
Capitalization and or extra spaces affects the name field, and new students are created. This is the same for parents.
Steps to reproduce
add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/ a/Clementi Ave 123, Blk 321, #12-345 lvl/P5 sub/math-B sub/science-C+
john doe
and runadd n/john doe p/98765432 e/ a/Clementi Ave 123, Blk 321, #12-345 lvl/P5 sub/math-B sub/science-C+
Expected As stated in the UG, "capitalization (e.g. jOhN DoE ) or extra/leading/trailing spaces does not affect the value". This means that "John Doe" and "john doe" should be treated the same, and an error should be prompted.
Actual Capitalization and or extra spaces affects the name field, and new students are created. This is the same for parents.
[original: nus-cs2103-AY2324S2/pe-interim#2001] [original labels: type.FunctionalityBug severity.Low]