nus-cs2103-AY2324S2 / pe-dev-response

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Edit still succeeds even when no changes are made #5594

Open nus-se-script opened 1 month ago

nus-se-script commented 1 month ago



If I call the edit command without changing anything, success message is still returned

Steps to reproduce

  1. Launch the application for the first time to load initial data.
  2. Run edit command, set the name as the same

    Expected behaviour

    There should be an error message to warn me that no edits were made

    Actual behaviour

    No warnings were made, and the success message is displayed

    Reason for severity

    very minor flaw for users

[original: nus-cs2103-AY2324S2/pe-interim#5593] [original labels: type.FunctionalityBug severity.VeryLow]

zoebelle-pang commented 4 weeks ago

Team's Response

Thanks for sharing your feedback on this. This seems to be more of a FeatureFlaw than a Functionality bug as the edit command is working as intended. After considering this, we still believe that adding a warning message specifically for 'no edit made' for the 'edit' command might not be essential compared to warning messages meant for 'delete' and 'clear' commands that affect data removal or reset. The edit function typically involves minor changes that users expect to make without additional alerts. Additionally, the edited information will be shown in the output message as shown in the image you've provided which users can check the changes made.

Duplicate status (if any):
