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Sequence diagrams: Asynchronous call vs Parallel #292

Open vinceg4 opened 1 week ago

vinceg4 commented 1 week ago

This question might be out of the syllabus scope but I just want to know more about the difference between lined arrowheads vs par frames.

In the textbook, it is stated that lined arrowheads are used for asynchronous calls. It is also stated under the advanced section that we can use par frames to describe parallel paths. May I know if there is a difference in using lined arrowheads vs par frames? Or to put in another way, are there scenarios where one would be more suitable than another? To me, both seems to be indicating some sort of parallelism in the program.

damithc commented 1 week ago

@vinceg4 Good area to dig into. You are wondering when to use threads and when to use async calls, right? In that case the question is not related to UML but about two implementation choices.