nus-cs2103-AY2425S1 / pe-dev-response

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deleteA does not allow deletion of existing appointment #2188

Open nus-se-script opened 2 days ago

nus-se-script commented 2 days ago





Even though the appointment exists for both patient and doctor, I was not allowed to delete the appointment. It was not specified in UG that past appointments were not allowed to be deleted, so this behavior does not match UG. It would make sense to allow users the freedom to delete past appointments. Futhermore, the error message does not seem to match.

[original: nus-cs2103-AY2425S1/pe-interim#2984] [original labels: severity.High type.FunctionalityBug]

Nigeltzy commented 18 hours ago

Team's Response

Hi! Thank you very much for the bug report!

Our team has reviewed this and agree that the inconsistency between being able to add an appointment in the past but not being able to delete it could inconvenience some users.

However, while we agree with the details regarding the bug, we do not agree that it would be fair to consider this a bug of severity.High. Consider the requirements for a bug to be severity.High:

severity.High: A flaw that affects most users and causes major problems for users. i.e., only problems that make the product almost unusable for most users should have this label.

Our team does not believe that this bug does fulfills the following requirements:

  1. The bug does not affect most users. Considering the nature of the healthcare industry, the entire point of an appointment system is to facilitate management of mostly, if not only upcoming appointments. Given the focus and challenges of scheduling appointments within the healthcare industry (Gupta & Denton, 2008), revisiting appointments in the past is rarely or never done; instead, the hectic and ever-busy nature of the medical industry culminates in infinitely more management to be done for upcoming appointments and backlogs (Laan et al., 2017). With our target group being medical staff like doctors or nurses, and not auditors, there is usually little need to add appointments in the past.

  2. Likewise, for the same aforementioned reasons, although we allowed adding appointments in the past (perhaps for medical staff to use as a placeholder to indicate an appointment was missed), we believe that being unable to delete such appointments would not cause major problems for users. This would not affect any of the important work that medical staff have to do to help manage their appointments with their patients and doctors, and will not affect any of the appointments that are scheduled for the future; the ability to delete such entries is unlikely to significantly impact the workflow of medical professionals, users can still perform essential tasks and use the essential functionalities provided to schedule and manage appointments where relevant.

  3. Naturally, we do not believe that this bug would, in any way, make the product unusable for most users. The application can still be used for day-to-day appointment scheduling and all the relevant functions required to achieve this outcome is not affected by this bug. Medical staff who may want to use this application, did not do so (at least we believe so) because they wanted to note down and manage appointments in the past. Rather, we believe that they want to use the application so that they can provide the best possible care for their current patients, in the present. In short, it is unlikely that managing historical appointments would be a central or frequent use case for most of our target audience / users.

While this bug is worth addressing for a smoother user experience when it comes to managing past appointments, given the primary function, focus and purpose of healthcare management programs centered around care for upcoming / on-demand / current patient experience (Jafarzadeh, 2022), the bug is unlikely to arise in a primary and typical use of the application, and users can continue to use the product in spite of the bugs. Hence, our team suggests that the severity be dropped to severity.Medium.


Gupta, D., & Denton, B. (2008, December -). Appointment scheduling in health care: Challenges and opportunities. Brian Denton. Retrieved November 18, 2024, from

Jafarzadeh, S. (2022, March 3). Appointment Scheduling Problem in Complexity Systems of the Healthcare Services: A Comprehensive Review. PubMed Central. Retrieved November 18, 2024, from

Laan, C., Vrugt, M. v. d., Olsman, J., Boucherie, R. J., & National Library of Medicine. (2017, Nov 28). Static and dynamic appointment scheduling to improve patient access time. National Library of Medicine (National Center for Biotechnology Information).

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