Email must contain at least one dot in the domain part of the email. E.g. is a valid email but johnd@examplecom is invalid as there is no dot after @.
The app currently accepts email without a dot after the '@' symbol. This could lead to erroneous data being stored in the app which could affect the user experience. In the medical industry, especially, it would be crucial for the database to contain accurate doctor data.
Email must contain at least one dot in the domain part of the email. E.g.
is a valid email butjohnd@examplecom
is invalid as there is no dot after @.The app currently accepts email without a dot after the '@' symbol. This could lead to erroneous data being stored in the app which could affect the user experience. In the medical industry, especially, it would be crucial for the database to contain accurate doctor data.
[original: nus-cs2103-AY2425S1/pe-interim#2781] [original labels: type.FeatureFlaw severity.Low]