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Checks failing for PR into tP #16

Closed nazrul0 closed 1 year ago

nazrul0 commented 1 year ago

I have set up my fork according to the instructions on the tP README. Following Step 2 for Week 7 Tutorial, I have managed to resolve and merge my pull request into my team's repo. However, it shows that all 3 of my checks for my merged commits have failed. Does anyone know which direction I should take in trying to resolve these errors? Attached below are the error logs.

checks checks2 checks3
okkhoy commented 1 year ago

This is caused due to permissions of gradlew and/or runtest files. Do you use a Mac or Linux machine?

nazrul0 commented 1 year ago

Hi Prof. I am on a Windows machine. I have checked my permissions against my other group members and found that they are the same.


My group member on Mac who failed his CI checks before me managed to pass after copying another member's files. When I tried to do the same, I still get errors.

okkhoy commented 1 year ago

Hmmm, the team member with a mac should update the permissions of the file (gradlew and runtest) and push the same to GitHub. After that, the checks should pass.

Do: chmod +x git commit git push

nazrul0 commented 1 year ago

Just to double confirm, we chmod +x to the files where any permission type (e.g. user, group etc.) has x missing?

Member 1: mattperm

Member 2: indraperm1 indraperm2

So in this case, chmod +x will have to done on gradlew.bat and runtest.bat?

okkhoy commented 1 year ago

Yes, that is correct.

nazrul0 commented 1 year ago

Thank you prof. The Mac user's permissions now look like this after adding chmod +x:


Screen Shot 2022-10-06 at 6 28 39 PM

After I have pulled, my permissions still look like these:

permissions2 png

The other Windows user in my group is able to pass the CI checks. I have tried pulling and committing from another Windows machine but still fail the CI checks. Are there any further steps I can take?

I have also just notice the following error (which has been present since the beginning): image

For reference, this is my pull request: And this is the checks page:

nazrul0 commented 1 year ago

Solved with the following guides:

Added execute permissions to my gradlew and runtest files then committed and pushed. This finally fixed the issue. Thanks Prof.

okkhoy commented 1 year ago

Great! Glad to know you managed to fix it.