nus-cs2113-AY2223S2 / pe-dev-response

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List order is not maintained after the program exits #497

Open nus-pe-bot opened 1 year ago

nus-pe-bot commented 1 year ago

While initially adding the list, the list appears to maintain the original order as stored under /list SNU

/add SNU/6
[ME446.632][CONTROL SYSTEM I][0]   maps to ----> [ME3662][Technical Elective][4]
This module has been added to the current module list!
/add SNU/12
[M2794.0053][Control Systems 1][3]   maps to ----> [ME4246][Modern Control System][4]
This module has been added to the current module list!
/add SNU/2
[M2794.01340][Mechatronics][3]   maps to ----> [ME3241][Microprocessor Applications][4]
This module has been added to the current module list!
/add SNU/19
[55006][LIFE IN CONTEMPORARY KOREA][0]   maps to ----> [EX1000][Exchange UEM][4]
This module has been added to the current module list!
/list current SNU
List of Added Modules for: SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
[SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Module] maps to ----> [NUS Module]
1.[M2794.01340][Mechatronics][3]   maps to ----> [ME3241][Microprocessor Applications][4]
2.[ME446.632][CONTROL SYSTEM I][0]   maps to ----> [ME3662][Technical Elective][4]
3.[M2794.0053][Control Systems 1][3]   maps to ----> [ME4246][Modern Control System][4]
4.[55006][LIFE IN CONTEMPORARY KOREA][0]   maps to ----> [EX1000][Exchange UEM][4]
Exiting program now

However, the order appears to be scrambled after re-opening the program

Exiting program now

PE\ java -jar [CS2113-T12-3][SEPHelper].jar

  ____  _____ ____    _   _      _
 / ___|| ____|  _ \  | | | | ___| |_ __   ___ _ __
 \___ \|  _| | |_) | | |_| |/ _ \ | '_ \ / _ \ '__|
  ___) | |___|  __/  |  _  |  __/ | |_) |  __/ |
 |____/|_____|_|     |_| |_|\___|_| .__/ \___|_|

~Welcome to SEP Helper~
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/list current SNU
List of Added Modules for: SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
[SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Module] maps to ----> [NUS Module]
1.[ME446.632][CONTROL SYSTEM I][0]   maps to ----> [ME3662][Technical Elective][4]
2.[M2794.0053][Control Systems 1][3]   maps to ----> [ME4246][Modern Control System][4]
3.[M2794.01340][Mechatronics][3]   maps to ----> [ME3241][Microprocessor Applications][4]
4.[55006][LIFE IN CONTEMPORARY KOREA][0]   maps to ----> [EX1000][Exchange UEM][4]

This can cause a significant inconvenience for users as repeated references to the same list during the SEP process can be frustrating, especially if there are a large number of modules added to the list

[original: nus-cs2113-AY2223S2/pe-interim#399] [original labels: type.FunctionalityBug severity.Medium]

MuxPotato commented 1 year ago

Team's Response

Valid Bug with correct severity. Bug happens when user first enter the program & before adding/removing any modules to list.

Duplicate status (if any):
