nus-cs2113-AY2324S2 / forum

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Correct Cloning of Individual Project Repo #12

Open LWachtel1 opened 4 months ago

LWachtel1 commented 4 months ago

When forking the IPO repo then cloning a local copy of the IP repo, instead of cloning, I instead cloned

Please can you tell me whether this is incorrect? If it is incorrect, should I have just cloned How do I then fix this problem?

okkhoy commented 4 months ago

Can you try getting the remote repo for your clone? (e.g., in the command line/terminal try: git remove -v)

LWachtel1 commented 4 months ago

When I use the cd command in the Git Bash terminal to get to my project folder and then type git remote -v, the following result is displayed: origin (fetch) origin (push)

Please can you confirm whether this is correct?

okkhoy commented 4 months ago

can you ping me on MSTeams? @LWachtel1