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Git IP Weekly Progress Report Question #15

Open nidhi-nayak opened 4 months ago

nidhi-nayak commented 4 months ago

Hi, I have a quick question on the weekly progress report for IP and how it will affect our grades. During week 4, I was working on event, todo, and deadline a lot throughout the week, but I have a really bad habit of only committing when I am finished with the final task (which is why my commit came in during week 5 instead of 4). I am actively working on that (especially this week I made it my goal to make commits as I am working rather than waiting till the end).

Will I lose points for not committing anything during week 4? I definitely know it's not the best software engineering practice to not commit often, and I am working on that moving forward, but I hope that it doesn't affect my grade because I forgot to do it that week.

okkhoy commented 4 months ago

if there are too many reds on the dashboard, it will impact the grade. so pls be mindful of that

BestDownLoader365 commented 4 months ago

They will manually grade at last, but still you need to pay attention to the ip grade dashboard.