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Week 7 Ip branching error #22

Open damiwee opened 4 months ago

damiwee commented 4 months ago

Hi prof and TAs,

I made a mistake while doing week 7 ip in regards to branching for A-JavaDoc increment. I did not realize I had to do parallel branching and merging pull requests for adding the documentation. What I did was after completing the merging and pull requests for Level-8 and Level-9, I directly committed the A-JavaDoc increment onto the master branch and pushed it to github. However, attempting to use git reset now is risky as it might mess up the repo(?).

I understand that according to the marking rubrics, we just need to satisfy at least 4 weeks of the git/ github requirements in order to score full marks for the "project management" section. May I confirm if I leave it as it is, I won't be penalized? I have made sure to follow all of the git/github requirements for past weeks.

Attached is a screenshot (Note that the merging connections here looks a bit more complicated/ strange(?) because I selected the option "create a new commit even if fast forward is possible" when pulling from my github repo after merging each pull request but it essentially should be the same as what was requested in the instructions)

Thank you!


okkhoy commented 4 months ago

May I confirm if I leave it as it is, I won't be penalized?

It depends on how the other tasks have been completed. Cannot confirm right away!

damiwee commented 4 months ago

Hi prof,

But assuming the other tasks have been done correctly, just for this particular branching mistake (didnt create a parallel branch for A-JavaDoc), am I right to say that it can be omitted towards the counting of "following at least 4 weeks of the git/ github requirements"? Thank you.


damiwee commented 4 months ago

Additionally, I tried to fix my error and redo by hard resetting my master branch to the commit with tag "level 9" but the top commit did not go away (with reference to the 3rd image). Please advise thank you.

image image image

okkhoy commented 4 months ago

You need to force push for hard reset to take effect on the remote repository