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Customizing the chatbot #6

Closed adamzzq closed 4 months ago

adamzzq commented 4 months ago

Hi prof Akshay! I'd like to clarify some ip specifications. I understand that we are encouraged to customize the command/display formats. Does this mean that we can name the commands differently? e.g. instead of bye for exiting the app, can I use exit? And can I allow the user to use multiple keywords to perform the same action? e.g. both bye and exit will terminate the app.

Moreover, does "customizing the personality of the chatbot" just mean changing the given prompts shown in the ip examples? Are we allowed to add new features, or even alter the given mechanism? e.g. I'm thinking of adding an extra confirmation step for some commands.

okkhoy commented 4 months ago

As long as you maintain the basic functionality to be that of a task manager, you are free to customize it in any way you would like. If you are changing the command words, be sure to document the new commands. In general, try to adhere to the constraints that we specify for the tP in the iP as well.

adamzzq commented 4 months ago

I see, thank you prof Akshay