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SourceTree Graph differs from what it is supposed to look like #7

Closed Daviancold closed 4 months ago

Daviancold commented 4 months ago

Hi there! Recently I discovered that my graph does not look the way it is supposed to be. For reference, the graph is supposed to show a branch at ".gitignore Fix ACTUAL.txt" as shown below. image_2024-02-01_19-03-55

However, my own graph shows that it does not have a branch, instead the entire branch is on main. image

I would like to ask, is there any ramifications in it being different? My GitHub repository still shows that I have the "Add Gradle Support" Branch.

okkhoy commented 4 months ago

Have you cloned within a clone? That could lead to mess like this. But TBH, I am not sure what led to this kind of linear commit tree!

Daviancold commented 4 months ago

I did not clone within a clone. Would this affect the auto-grading script for my submissions?

okkhoy commented 4 months ago

Not sure, since this is the first time I am seeing this issue. Check if you have all reds in the dashboard? If so, we need to find a way to fix it. If not, things should be fine :-)

Daviancold commented 4 months ago

The dashboard seems fine! Thanks for the help, I think I will stick to the current graph that I have at the moment.