nus-cs2113-AY2324S2 / pe-dev-response

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Confusing and inconsistent command naming scheme #2532

Open nus-se-script opened 1 month ago

nus-se-script commented 1 month ago


I keep having to refer back to the command help list to check how to invoke the listing of the expenses, categories or events. There are essentially 3 kinds of list comands. This brings quite a bit of confustion and inconvenience to me as a new user.

I would think to not inconvenience the user, either have a unified list commmand like list expenses, list categories, list events, OR the listing can be part of the functionality (i.e. the category command - categoty list), so like expenses <list|add|delete>, events <list|add|delete>

[original: nus-cs2113-AY2324S2/pe-interim#2504] [original labels: type.FeatureFlaw severity.Medium]

yeozhishen commented 3 weeks ago

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