nus-cs2113-AY2324S2 / pe-dev-response

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Sequence diagram for Parser lack of Activation Bar when creating Matcher Object (B) #2549

Open nus-se-script opened 1 month ago

nus-se-script commented 1 month ago

Note from the teaching team: This bug was reported during the Part II (Evaluating Documents) stage of the PE. You may reject this bug if it is not related to the quality of documentation.

Description: The sequence diagram for Parser have a lack of activation bar when creating the Matcher Object. Refer to the part circled (B)

Steps to Reproduce: Open the user manual to the section titled "How it works (Sequence)"

Expected Result: There should be an activation bar when the matcher object is created. image.png

Actual Result: Lack of activation bar


Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 5.39.57 PM.pngScreenshot 2024-04-19 at 5.39.57 PM.png

[original: nus-cs2113-AY2324S2/pe-interim#2530] [original labels: severity.Low type.DocumentationBug]

sxfoo commented 4 weeks ago

Team's Response

Issue: The sequence diagram for Parser have a lack of activation bar when creating the Matcher Object. Expected Result: "There should be an activation bar when the matcher object is created."

Response: In a sequence diagram, a self-invocation typically represents a method call to another method within the same object or class. The Matcher object belongs to the java.util.regex package. A self invocation does not happen here (hence no stacked activation bar) as the Parser class do not call another method to itself, instead it calls to the Matcher class to create an instance. The process between is not shown in details in the diagram to abstract and simplify things. As well, the Matcher object creation is not a key focus of the diagram.

Duplicate status (if any):
