nus-cs3281 / 2019

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DevSecOps: integrating security into your DevOps flow #50

Open Xenonym opened 5 years ago

Xenonym commented 5 years ago

WIIFY: Be able to use the DevSecOps approach to build security into apps from the start faster, better and cheaper

Key Points:

  1. DevSecOps builds security into apps faster
  2. DevSecOps builds security into apps better
  3. DevSecOps builds security into apps cheaper
  4. DevSecOps is easy to start with

Impact: Start using the DevSecOps approach in your projects


  1. How many of you know your app is functional?
  2. But, how many of you know your app is secure?
  3. DevSecOps can ensure security throughout the development process
  4. DevSecOps by example: Analyse, Secure, Verify, Defend
  5. DevSecOps is an approach to security that is faster, better, cheaper
  6. DevSecOps is easy to start
  7. Start using the DevSecOps approach in your projects!

Slides (Round C): LightningTalkC_DevSecOps.pdf ~Slides (Round B): LightningTalkB_DevSecOps.pdf~