nus-cs3281 / 2019

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Contributing to Web Developer Tools makes you a better Web Developer #58

Open tanhengyeow opened 5 years ago

tanhengyeow commented 5 years ago


WIIFY: In this talk, I will show you why contributing to open source web development tools makes you a better web developer. I will emphasize on Firefox DevTools, which is also the external project I'm contributing to. However it applies to other similar tools such as the Chrome DevTools.


  1. What architecture is DevTools built with
  2. What you can learn by contributing to DevTools
  3. What you can do to get involved

Key points:

  1. It is written as a client-server architecture using the languages of the web (which feels like web development)
  2. It is a unique opportunity to learn how browsers work
  3. It is easy to get involved


  1. Know: What is an open-source web development tool
  2. Believe: Contributing to an open-source web development tool makes you a better web developer
  3. Do: Contribute to an open-source web development tool now!

Link to slides.

tanhengyeow commented 5 years ago

Lightning Talk Round 3C: Presentation Link.