nus-cs3281 / 2020

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Lightning Talk Round B2: Docker Pt.2 #46

Open daekoon opened 4 years ago

daekoon commented 4 years ago


Docker brings many benefits to your project, such as improving your security, helping you manage multiple environments and how it integrates nicely with various CI tools. However, docker isn't perfect and there are situations where you should avoid it, such as when your application simple, performance is important and your application uses GUI.


Gain a deeper understanding of Docker that builds on top of the knowledge gained from my previous talk here.

Key Points

  1. Recap of previous talk
    • Docker is a useful tool that improves your create -> deploy -> run cycle and makes it scalable
    • Docker is lightweight
    • Docker solves the various problems you face as a developer, by
      • Simplifying onboarding process (images are already set up for you)
      • Providing consistent development environment for everyone
      • Reduce clutter on your computer
      • Help you get job
  2. DevOps and docker (Changing the focus of the talk from benefit from the Developer's perspective, to the entire team's/project perspective)
    • Docker improves your project's security by isolation
    • Docker helps you to manage multiple environments using Docker Compose
    • Docker can seamlessly integrate with various CI tools
  3. Optimal Docker Usage
    • Docker can't be used for everything
    • You should avoid using Docker in the following situations:
      1. Your application uses GUI
      2. Your application is simple enough
      3. Performance is important for your application

Call to Action

  1. Try using Docker to replace one of your application components
  2. Try creating your own docker Container

