nus-cs3281 / 2022
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Lightning Talk: NoSQL systems are overrated, use NewSQL systems #1

Open seanlowjk opened 2 years ago

seanlowjk commented 2 years ago


NoSQL systems seem like the all-in-one solution for distributed database systems. However, we have been abusing the properties of NoSQL systems for the wrong purposes. A new form of distributed SQL systems is here to solve your needs, NewSQL

Round A:

Topic: Using NewSQL over NoSQL Systems


  1. Using NewSQL systems can help with data consistency and logical database states
  2. Being able to use familiar SQL tools for debugging and querying with NewSQL Systems.

Key Points:

  1. Understand why NoSQL systems are bad for data consistency
  2. Understand why NoSQL hinders query performance by removing SQL Features
  3. Understand how NewSQL tackles these problems and provides a better solution than NoSQL systems


  1. Know: How NewSQL is better in terms of transactional and query support than NoSQL
  2. Believe: NoSQL systems are not good for transaction-heavy operations and NewSQL systems are better for such use cases.
  3. Do: Replace your NoSQL Systems with NewSQL


Round B:

Round C: