nus-cs3281 / 2022
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Lightning Talk: Dynamic typing in JavaScript is a trap, use TypeScript now! #11

Open gerhean opened 2 years ago

gerhean commented 2 years ago

Despite static typing offering numerous benefits for large and complex code bases, some of our projects have yet to upgrade to TypeScript for frontend, such as Reposense and TEAMMATES, despite having left the prototyping stage for years.

Through this talk, I wish to make an honest effort to convince the maintainers of complex projects to upgrade their JavaScript based frontend to TypeScript (if it has yet to be done).

Unlike other statically typed frontend languages, upgrading to TypeScript takes minimum effort!


Round 1 Presentation


Learn about why there is no better time to include TypeScript into your project.

Key points

TypeScript provides static typing, which serves as living documentation for your code and catch certain errors quickly. TypeScript is extremely easy to integrate into existing projects. Alternatives to TypeScript have various factors which hold them back.


Know: What TypeScript is Believe: TypeScript makes any large scale JavaScript project simply better Do: Use TypeScript today!