nus-cs3281 / 2022
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Lightning Talk: Power Up with Distributed Databases and CockroachDB #28

Open seanlowjk opened 2 years ago

seanlowjk commented 2 years ago

Despite PostgreSQL including more extension to support distributed databases, they come at a cost of adding more extensions which can be troublesome. Instead of mimicking distributed databases, we can power ourselves up with using a proper distributed database system that provides high availability and in-built scaling techniques to solve big data problems we have today.

Round B:


Key Points:

  1. CockraochDB is backwards-compatible with old SQL technologies such as PostgreSQL
  2. CockroachDB helps with performance via distributed queries and sharding
  3. CockroachDB protects against server crashes via its master-slave architecture.


  1. Know: What are distributed databases and what CockroachDB is
  2. Believe: CockroachDB is the next step to providing better data access layers for OLTP applications
  3. Do: Adopt CockroachDB instead of old SQL options in open source projects.


seanlowjk commented 2 years ago

Posted Slides above