nus-cs3281 / 2022
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Lightning Talk: Power up your backend with NewSQL systems #34

Open seanlowjk opened 2 years ago

seanlowjk commented 2 years ago

Despite PostgreSQL including more extension to support distributed databases, they come at a cost of adding more extensions which can be troublesome. We can power ourselves up with using a proper distributed database system that provides high availability and in-built scaling techniques to solve big data problems we have today. Introducing, NewSQL

Round C:


Key Points:

  1. NewSQL is a form of distributed databases, which stores and manages data in multiple servers
  2. NewSQL systems are easy to query using old SQL query language.
  3. NewSQL systems increase query performance via table partitions.
  4. NewSQL protect against database crashes and provides low server downtime


  1. Know: What are distributed databases and what NewSQL is about
  2. Believe: NewSQL should be adopted in place of old SQL systems for their scalability and availability
  3. Pickup a NewSQL database and impress everyone around you.


seanlowjk commented 2 years ago

To Prof @damithc : created a new issue for this for the talk I have given for Round C