nus-cs3281 / 2023

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Book: SE@Google Ch: Engineering for Equity #43

Open zhoukerrr opened 1 year ago

zhoukerrr commented 1 year ago

Book: Chapter: Engineering for Equity


  1. Bias Is the Default

    • Fail to focus on users of different background and you will fail the users
    • Everyone has certain biases
    • Unconscious biases are more difficult to mitigate than the conscious ones
  2. Understanding the Need for Diversity

    • know the demographics of the target users
    • Focus on those that are different from us, especially potential users
    • Diversity within the team helps
  3. Building Multicultural Capacity

    • understand how the product can advantage and disadvantage different groups of users
    • Technical skill + discernment to know what can be build (identify and reject controversial features/product)
    • engineers wield great responsibilities that can influence billions of users
    • Slow down and ensure that minimal biases are introduced
    • Responsibility of both individuals and the employers
  4. Reject Singular Approaches

    • No one size fits all solution
    • Understanding the entire problem is the key
    • Targeting the majority first then working on edge cases is flawed. This gives people who are already advantaged a head start
    • By building an inclusive design from the start, we enhance the experience for all users
    • Challenge Established Processes

Application to RepoSense The users for RepoSense are mostly based in nus. However, we had received a request to support foreign languages. While this may not be a priority for the team in the near future, it is definitely something that we can look into to further expand our user group.

I believe that everyone adds great value to the project as everyone comes in with a new perspective. In RepoSense, this constant addition of new members is a diversity is some way.