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Lightning Talk: Github Copilot - Your very own intern #13

Open MarcusTXK opened 5 months ago

MarcusTXK commented 5 months ago

[PUNCH] Has this ever happened to you: it's 2 AM, you're stuck on a complex piece of code for your project, feeling the weight of deadlines, regretting procrastinating for so long and wishing for help to finish it. This is something I used to face regularly for coding assignments, but this tool has helped alleviate some of the pain of it.

[WIIFY] Enter GitHub Copilot: not just a tool, but a smart companion for coding. It's like an extension of your coding thought process, offering real-time code generation and explanations, helping YOU turn a daunting task into a manageable one.

[ROADMAP] I'm here today to show you why GitHub Copilot is an indispensable tool for us. We'll dive into its benefits, its perfect synergy with IDEs, and how it's incredibly accessible for students, offering us a competitive edge in the tech industry

[Key Points]

  1. It is useful

    • Code completion
    • Multi Language Support
    • Code Generation
  2. Seamless Integration with IDEs

    • VSC Copilot and Copilot chat extensions
    • Agents and /commands
  3. Accessible for students (Free)

[Conclusion] In conclusion, GitHub Copilot is more than a coding tool; it's a mentor, a bridge to industry standards, and a testament to the future of programming. It offers unmatched coding assistance, seamless integration with IDEs like VS Code, and is best of all, its FREE.

[CTA] Give GitHub Copilot a try. Let it transform your coding journey, enhance your projects, and help you build a foundation for a successful career in technology.
