nus / gitbucket-plantuml-plugin

A GitBucket plugin that renders PlantUML diagrams.
Apache License 2.0
30 stars 8 forks source link

Cannot render correctly #21

Open pinghe opened 5 years ago

pinghe commented 5 years ago

Cannot render correctly when there are multiple graphs. Render two graphics on the same page.

Component diagram 1


skinparam componentStyle uml2

cloud "GoogleDocs" {
  [GDOC docs]

[GDOC docs] --> [DOCX docs] : Download
[DOCX docs] --> [MD parts] : DocConvert
[MD parts] --> [Drupal feed] : book-parts-to-feed
[MD parts] --> [MD eBook] : book-join
[MD parts] --> [HTML parts] : pandoc
[MD eBook] --> [HTML eBook] : pandoc
[MD eBook] --> [FB2 eBook] : calibre
[MD eBook] --> [EPUB eBook] : calibre
[MD eBook] --> [MOBI eBook] : calibre



Component diagram 2


skinparam component {
  Style uml2
  BackgroundColor #FEFECE
node "Database Server" {
  database "MSSQL / ORA \n " {
    [DB] as DB
node "Business Logic Server" {
  frame "Windows Service Host" {
    package "GUIService" {
      [GuiService] as GuiService
    package "ExtService" {
      [ExtService] as ExtService
node "Update Server \n (can be hosted on \n BL Server)" {
  folder "Remote Storage" {
    [System Storage] as UpdateStorage
node "Client Computer" {
  folder "Local Storage" {
    [System Client] as Client
cloud "External Systems" {
  [External Systems] as ExtSystem

cloud "Service Locator" {
  [Service Locator] as ServiceLocator
cloud "OSSBSS Services" {
  [OSSBSS Services] as OSSBSS
cloud "Security \n (Authority \n Service)" {
  [OSSBSS Security] as Security
[Client]          --> [GuiService]      : WCF HTTP/TCP
[ExtSystem]       --> [ExtService]      : WCF HTTP
[GuiService]      --> [DB]              : OSSBSS.DbAccessLayer
[GuiService]      --> [UpdateStorage]   : SMB
[GuiService]      --> [Security]        : WCF
[GuiService]      --> [ServiceLocator]  : WCF
[ServiceLocator]  --> [OSSBSS]          : WCF
[ExtService]      --> [DB]              : OSSBSS.DbAccessLayer
[ExtService]      ..> [GuiService]      : inproc

