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Requesting use of third-party frameworks/libraries #11

Open okkhoy opened 6 years ago

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

We will use this issue to track all requests to use third party libraries or frameworks. Please list the library you wish to use as a comment below (including a link to the homepage of the library).

General guidelines for using third-party frameworks/libraries

All thrid-party frameworks and/or libraries have to be approved by the teaching team.

Once the library is approved

brandonccm1996 commented 6 years ago

Hi Prof, My group would like to request to use Google Maps API and this GMapsFX library: to incorporate Google Maps into our project. Thank you.

Regards, Brandon

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@brandonccm1996 approved! 👍

LIU-TIANHANG commented 6 years ago

Hi, prof, MY group would like to request to use Scene Builder ( and plug in for scene builder/intellj JFoenix (

best regards, tianhang

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@LIU-TIANHANG Approved 👍

andrewome commented 5 years ago

Hi prof, My group would like to request to use Gmail API.

Regards, Andrew

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@andrewome Approved 👍

Geraldcdx commented 5 years ago

Hi prof, My group would like to request to use Jsoup library.

Regards, Gerald

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@Geraldcdx Approved 👍

andyrobert3 commented 5 years ago

Hi Professor,

Our group is using Google Maps API Distance Matrix and Apache Http Client

Thank you Professor Akshay

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@andyrobert3 Approved 👍

jitwei98 commented 5 years ago

Hi prof,

My group would like to request to use the opencsv library.

Regards, Jit Wei

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@jitwei98 Approved 👍 However, ensure that you don't use CSV as tables and SQL-like queries to work on the data (this would be violating the project constraints)

jitwei98 commented 5 years ago

@okkhoy Thanks! No worries, we will just use it to import/export contacts.

Psyf commented 5 years ago

Hi, my team (T09-1) would like to request the use of the library jBCrypt.

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@Psyf Approved 👍 However, do ensure that you do not violate the constraints by using encryption.

QzSG commented 5 years ago

@okkhoy Requesting permission to use GitHub Java Library (

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@QzSG 👍 approved.

sijieg commented 5 years ago

Hi Prof, My group would like to request to use org.apache.commons.io_1.2.0for our project.

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@sijieg Approved 👍 (However, Apache commons has an updated version in their main site. Try to use that one)

sijieg commented 5 years ago

@okkhoy Noted prof, thank you!

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@Tertium3 iCal4j approved

jamesyaputra commented 5 years ago

Hi Prof, My group would like to request to use for our project.

Thanks in advance!

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@jamesyaputra Approved 👍

m-aslam-mj2 commented 5 years ago

Hi prof. Is it okay if my team uses the bootstrap JS lib and CSS for better output of data?

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@m-aslam-mj2 Approved 👍

m-aslam-mj2 commented 5 years ago

Thank you!

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@nguyenngoclinhchi Apached POI approved

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@SHININGGGG JFreeChart approved

jamesyaputra commented 5 years ago

Hi Prof, My group would like to request to use for our project.

Thanks in advance!

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@jamesyaputra Approved 👍

linnnruoo commented 5 years ago

@okkhoy Hi prof, our group would like to request to use CalendarFx for our project

brandonccm1996 commented 5 years ago

@okkhoy Hi prof, our group would like to request to use the libraries available in JFXtras. For now we're just looking at using the jfxtras-agenda library, but we'll ask for approval for use of all the libraries in jfxtras just in case. Thank you.

aaryam253 commented 5 years ago

@okkhoy Hi prof, My group was wondering if JavaMail API ( is allowed. If so, we would like to use it. Thank you.

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@linnnruoo Approved 👍

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@brandonccm1996 Approved 👍

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@aaryamNUS Approved 👍

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@alexiscatnip Approved 👍

BearPerson1 commented 5 years ago

Hello prof, can i use selenium web driver for my project?

Many thanks!

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@BearPerson1 Approved 👍

andyrobert3 commented 5 years ago

Hello Prof,

Can I use Commons IO from Apache for the project?

Can I also use org.json in java?

Can I also use Java Tuples

Thank you!

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@andyrobert3 Commons IO was approved earlier, so not necessary to ask again. Once approved for one team, approved for all teams! org.json and Java tuples : Approved 👍

wm28 commented 5 years ago

Hi prof,

for the project, can I use ZXing Core for barcode encoding/decoding?

Thank you.

okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@wm28 Approved 👍

xhxh96 commented 5 years ago

Hi Prof, Would like to check if using of Apache Santuario is allowed.


okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@xhxh96 Approved 👍

andrewome commented 5 years ago

Hi prof, My team would use Google OAuth Client Library and Google API Client, which are dependencies for the Gmail API.


okkhoy commented 5 years ago

@andrewome 👍 agreed