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Violations of LoD #105

Open aquohn opened 4 years ago

aquohn commented 4 years ago


In the above image, isn't LoD violated by the code? The method call is essentially:

(new MultiFormatReader()).decode(...).getText()

Wouldn't an LoD-compliant implementation be:

(new MultiFormatReader()).decodeToText(...)


Jefferson111 commented 4 years ago

Maybe, I think, because MultiFormatReader is something from the library, so not counted as LOD violation by the person who wrote the code snippet

okkhoy commented 4 years ago

qrCodeResult is also created within the method. So no violation

Jefferson111 commented 4 years ago

@okkhoy Just to clarify, if something like this would to come out:

String result = new MultiFormatReader().decode().getInfo().getText().toString();

This does not constitutes to violation of LOD because of the new keyword?