nusenu / ContactInfo-Information-Sharing-Specification

A specification for tor's ContactInfo field.
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Add ed25519 URI proof #16

Open Saklad5 opened 1 year ago

Saklad5 commented 1 year ago

Tor relays currently use both a vestigial RSA1024 key and an ed25519 key. It would make more sense to rely on the latter, especially since there is already a designated location for them.

I propose a new proof value, uri-ed25519, which may be validated using the /.well-known/tor-relay/ed25519-master-pubkey.txt path as described in the current tor-relay spec.

Saklad5 commented 1 year ago

A corresponding dns-ed25519 proof could also be added, of course.

nusenu commented 1 year ago

Hi and thanks for pushing this forward!

I've added that section in prop326 but ed25519 keys did not find its way into the CIISS spec yet for a few reasons:

So the next steps would be:

  1. file a issue on to add ed25519 keys to onionoo
  2. define an encoding that is safe to be used in DNS

I can tackle the second point do you want to file the gitlab issue?

Saklad5 commented 1 year ago
  1. file a issue on to add ed25519 keys to onionoo

Do you know which repository that is? I can't seem to find it there.

nusenu commented 1 year ago

Do you know which repository that is? I can't seem to find it there.

Saklad5 commented 1 year ago


By the way, about the DNS proof: couldn't you just use TXT records? It'd be way easier.

nusenu commented 1 year ago


note this line on the onionoo repo:


background: Karsten, the author and maintainer of onionoo passed away in 2020 mainly for that reason you will not see any substantial changes in onionoo.

By the way, about the DNS proof: couldn't you just use TXT records? It'd be way easier.

We use TXT records for dns-rsa and will use TXT records for dns-ed25519 as well, would you mind elaborating?

Also, do you have a particular use-case for this issue?

Saklad5 commented 1 year ago

We use TXT records for dns-rsa and will use TXT records for dns-ed25519 as well, would you mind elaborating?

Why not just have a single TXT record with the same contents as the URI proof? Then you don't need to encode anything in a DNS label.

Also, do you have a particular use-case for this issue?

Nothing too specific: I just want to remove obstacles to no longer having to manage both RSA and ed25519 keys.

nusenu commented 1 year ago

Why not just have a single TXT record with the same contents as the URI proof? Then you don't need to encode anything in a DNS label.

This is not possible because many DNS providers limit the length of TXT records. For example, AWS limits TXT records to 4000 characters. An operator with 100 relays would be unable fit all ed25519 pubkeys into 4000 chars.

The largest family currently has 178 relays.

Saklad5 commented 1 year ago

Ah, that is a problem. In that case, borrow from Sender Policy Framework’s solution: add the ability for a TXT record to include another.

That makes parsing more complex, of course, but not by much. And it wouldn’t be necessary for most people.

nusenu commented 1 year ago

I don't think SPF is a good example to follow in that regard.