Guiding ideas on why the website is still relevant/can be more relevant:
Improving the flow on the website will drive interest in NUS Hackers
Will need more analytics from a longer timeframe on how many people read the secondary webpages
Easier to recruit during SLF
Retain the relevance of the website as a means to engage with our vision and mission
Individual posts do not convey the broader vision we have; people engage with FH/HS/HT individually through our social media channels, but not with NUS Hackers and our broader vision of a hacking community
Reduce the burden of maintaining the website
Need to make it easier to publicise secondary initiatives like Project Mentor and Project Intern
Add a wiki/resources page that a) is on technical topics or b) collates tech insights around NUS/SG/the world or c) how-to guides or d) links to our past presentations
Telegram/Instagram feed
Current workflow: post publicity on separate social media channels; update the website with a post
Tedious - publicity is complex and slow
Establishing a source of truth
Poor data management
Telegram: the RSS feed will get updated automatically, Telegram channels is searchable
We can set up a script that automatically creates a post as our Telegram channel gets updated
Archive of past schedules and content display
Currently, we cannot view past HS and HT events. For FH, we have to scroll through the posts.
Managing links - using linktree to organise the most relevant links now
YouTube playlists are standalone
Link between individual posts and the past schedule could be better
No sense of continuity between past HS and HT sessions, even if they are on the same topic
Some data management solution to manage yml files and create an internal wiki that's searchable (implementing a database seems too high-effort because it would disrupt the existing workflow)
For FH posts, they should not be visible under 'Articles' and should be specifically linked to via an archive of past schedules - but they can be searchable
Link management is better: old invalid links get invalided automatically
probably to discuss during some coreteam meeting
What is the value of the website?
Guiding ideas on why the website is still relevant/can be more relevant:
Telegram/Instagram feed
Current workflow: post publicity on separate social media channels; update the website with a post
Archive of past schedules and content display
Currently, we cannot view past HS and HT events. For FH, we have to scroll through the posts.