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Seeing issues with tables not aligning properly in some browsers #83

Open sophiajt opened 3 years ago

sophiajt commented 3 years ago

Here's a picture from one screenshot:


Asking around on twitter, I was told:

"Ok so I assumed this was ligatures from ---- not the actual characters for those lines. The misalignment on Android comes from the droid sans mono font not having those characters, causing it to fall back to noto sans symbols, which has different widths.

Which means font-variant-ligatures: none will have no effect, but using a web font to force it to use one of the other fonts in your list before it falls back to monospace will fix this for you"

So it sounds like we need to set better fallback fonts so that Android (and other browsers with the same issue) don't fallback to the wrong font.

cc @ibraheemdev

NotTheDr01ds commented 1 month ago

Retested on Android 14 Chrome - Still broken.