nusmodifications / nusmods

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Hide whole modules from timetable #248

Closed yangshun closed 7 years ago

yangshun commented 8 years ago

Received a PM via NUSMods FB page:

Hey NUSMods, thanks for doing the timetable for us. A feedback i have is to make a 'hide' function for modules placed on the calendar. This will help to reduce clutter when we are trying to see the various combinations our timetable can become. I have like 10mods on the timetable cause those are what im thinking of and its becoming more difficult to see. Hope this helps!

xinan commented 8 years ago

We may implement this by setting the classes's group number to -1 in the url params. Something like:


Then for any classes that has group number -1 we hide them.

Btw if we are gonna do this I think we should allow users to choose whether to hide everything of the module, or just one or more classes of it. For example, keeping only 1 tutorial while hiding lectures and other classes can be very useful for TAs.

yangshun commented 8 years ago

Sad, I set a lecture to -1 and it disappeared. Have to delete and re-add the module :(

But sounds like a plan.

xinan commented 8 years ago

Of course we will have an option to re-display them :expressionless:

xinan commented 8 years ago

This sounds more useful, how about doing this tmr instead?

yangshun commented 8 years ago

@_@ discuss again. Either way we should get our code merged one day, don't want it to go to waste :X

yangshun commented 7 years ago

@ngzhian if you are interested you can try this (:

ngzhian commented 7 years ago

Let's do this in v3 alpha instead? Might be a good reason to entice ppl to try/test v3 :)

yangshun commented 7 years ago

Oh yes I mean do this in v3 not v2. We shouldn't be adding features to v2 anymore (: