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Orbital: Get your feet wet #389

Closed ngzhian closed 7 years ago

ngzhian commented 7 years ago

Hi Orbital!

If you are looking to get your feet wet 💧 , please make sure you look at #388 first. There is information regarding the proposal 📝 , and tutorials you can look through. Once you feel confident digging into the code base you may continue reading 📖 :)

To get comfortable around the codebase we suggest you do this (either by yourself or in your pairs):

Note that these are exercises meant to help you get familiar with the code base and will not necessary be merged!

Good luck! As always, reach out to us on Telegram if you have any questions ❓

P.S. It will be great if you document your progress as you work through these tasks (and your orbital project), this will make your progress a bit slower (in terms of speed), but will help learning and retention, and probably be useful for newcomers in the future too! If you do write a blog post or anything, share them in the chat, or as a comment to this issue!

yangshun commented 7 years ago

Discussion will be shifted into #388