nutanix / helm

Nutanix Helm Charts repository
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Ability to specify resources request and limits in Deployments and DeamonSet #138

Open murand78 opened 5 months ago

murand78 commented 5 months ago


have a QoS Guaranteed with fixed resource request. In small dev clusters I notice that 0.5 CPU and 800MB of RAM are reserved, while only 0.0005 CPU and 200MB are used.

Can be possible to parametrize resources based on helm values?

Eg, replacing in templates:

      {{- with .Values.controller.resources }}
        {{- toYaml . | nindent 12 }}
      {{- end }}

instead of :

          cpu: 100m
          memory: 200Mi
tuxtof commented 5 months ago

we plan to integrate it in next CSI 3.0 release did you expect to have it only for main controller or also for sidecards ?

murand78 commented 5 months ago

Could be nice to have all resources configurable.

tuxtof commented 5 months ago

ok noted