Disk should be resized, and the change should be visible in the console.
Actual Behavior
Disk is not resized. It stays the same size as the original image size. According to a documentation note below the disk_size_bytes section here - https://registry.terraform.io/providers/nutanix/nutanix/latest/docs/resources/virtual_machine#disk_size_bytes - it should be resized on subsequent apply's. The included gist is from a 2nd apply as directed in the documentation. The plan shows that it should be resized, but it does not resize.
The console Tasks section does not show any disk resize activity.
Nutanix Cluster Information
Nutanix Cluster (Prism Element / AOS) AHV VERSION NUTANIX 20170830.185
Nutanix Prism Central (N/A - Dev instance, not attached to PRISM)
Terraform Version
Terraform v1.1.9 on darwin_arm64
Affected Resource(s)
resource "nutanix_virtual_machine"
Terraform Configuration Files
Debug Output
Panic Output
Expected Behavior
Disk should be resized, and the change should be visible in the console.
Actual Behavior
Disk is not resized. It stays the same size as the original image size. According to a documentation note below the disk_size_bytes section here - https://registry.terraform.io/providers/nutanix/nutanix/latest/docs/resources/virtual_machine#disk_size_bytes - it should be resized on subsequent apply's. The included gist is from a 2nd apply as directed in the documentation. The plan shows that it should be resized, but it does not resize. The console Tasks section does not show any disk resize activity.
Steps to Reproduce
terraform apply
Important Factors