Is there any way I can Automate the Implementaion of Azure AD Workload Identity for Karbon Cluster using terraform ?
Please suggest
What I have done So far (terraform)
Create Nutanix karbon Cluster
Created a managed identity and configured with proper access.
Created a Storage account and container and Uploaded the Discovery document.
Where i have an Issue
I am trying to use the cluster default service account signing key pairs ( I am not sure how they were created). But I am not able to print/get the public siging key(with terraform) to create jwks.json file. this is were I have stuck. Any ideas how can I achieve this Step ?
I did Implement the Azure AD Workload Identity on Nutanix Karbon Cluster(manually) using the below Document ( It has below steps
Is there any way I can Automate the Implementaion of Azure AD Workload Identity for Karbon Cluster using terraform ?
Please suggest
What I have done So far (terraform)
Where i have an Issue
I am trying to use the cluster default service account signing key pairs ( I am not sure how they were created). But I am not able to print/get the public siging key(with terraform) to create jwks.json file. this is were I have stuck. Any ideas how can I achieve this Step ?