nutanix / terraform-provider-nutanix

Terraform Nutanix Provider
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VM rebooted at every change because of `hotPlugChange` set to `false` #640

Closed fad3t closed 11 months ago

fad3t commented 12 months ago


We have noticed that some of our VMs get rebooted every time we run a terraform apply. Those VMs have a custom boot configuration: they use the UEFI BIOS mode.

We suspect the following piece of code to be the cause of the reboots as it sets hotPlugChange to false:

    if bc, change := bootConfigHasChange(res.BootConfig, d); !reflect.DeepEqual(*bc, v3.VMBootConfig{}) {
        res.BootConfig = bc
        hotPlugChange = change

The following happens when it enters the bootConfigHasChange function:

Right after the DeepEqual check is executed and compares the boot config of the VM with an empty/default VM boot config. In our case the boot type is set to UEFI, so DeepEqual returns false and hotPlugChange is assigned the value of change - i.e. false.

I would be happy to prepare a PR to fix this (I guess DeepEqual should be comparing bc with res.BootConfig instead) but before that it would be great if somebody could review and confirm our assumptions.

FYI we run Terraform 1.5.5 with the latest version of the Nutanix provider (1.9.3).

Thanks, Fred

g1df commented 11 months ago


I would add the following observations :

The default boot config of a VM is "Legacy - Default boot order".

When creating a VM with these defaults, nothing seems to be written in the API data.

But, if we change the boot_config to anything else, it will then be written in the API data, and even if you get back to the default values, they will now be written as well, so the provider will then trigger a reboot after comparing the values.

abhimutant commented 11 months ago

Hi, can you please share your tf config ?

fad3t commented 11 months ago

Sure, here's the part calling our custom module:

module "testvm" {
  source  = "custom.registry/vm-windows/nutanix"
  version = "2.3.4"

  name              = "testvm"
  description       = "Test VM Windows"
  vcpu              = 2
  memory_gb         = 8
  disk_size_gb      = 100
  disk_size_logs_gb = 0

  subnet_name = "DEV"

  domain_ou                      = "DEV"
  domain_user                    = "nutanix.svc"
  domain_password                = var.nutanix_windows_domain_password
  windows_administrator_password = var.windows_administrator_password

  category = {
    env = "DEV"

The provider config:

terraform {
  required_version = "~> 1.0"

  required_providers {
    nutanix = {
      source  = "nutanix/nutanix"
      version = "~> 1.9.2"

  backend "remote" {
    hostname     = "custom.remote"
    organization = "abc"
    workspaces {
      name = "DEV"

provider "nutanix" {
  username     = var.nutanix_username
  password     = var.nutanix_password
  endpoint     = var.nutanix_endpoint
  port         = var.nutanix_port
  insecure     = false
  wait_timeout = 10

The module we use is mostly a wrapper around the virtual machine resource. The most interesting part is the boot_type in this case.

resource "nutanix_virtual_machine" "this" {
  name                 =
  description          = var.description
  cluster_uuid         =
  num_vcpus_per_socket = var.core_vcpu
  num_sockets          = var.vcpu
  memory_size_mib      = var.memory_gb * 1024
  boot_type            = "UEFI"

  // guest_customization_sysprep removed for brevety

  nutanix_guest_tools = {
    state           = "ENABLED"
    iso_mount_state = "MOUNTED"

  ngt_enabled_capability_list = [

  ngt_credentials = {
    username = "${}\\Administrator"
    password = var.windows_administrator_password

  // nic_list removed for brevety
  // disk_list removed for brevety

  lifecycle {
    create_before_destroy = true
    ignore_changes        = [owner_reference, project_reference, guest_customization_sysprep, categories, nutanix_guest_tools, disk_list.0.data_source_reference]

Edit: we also faced this issue by using the nutanix_virtual_machine resource alone.

abhimutant commented 11 months ago

Also, do you see any change in state while performing tf plan ?

fad3t commented 11 months ago

No, there are no state changes during plans.

Edit: unless you meant "do you see any planned changes during the plan"?

abhimutant commented 11 months ago

so, when you perform terraform apply do you see /vms API called twice ? you can check it using export TF_LOG=TRACE Also, what's the PC version ? Edit: Also, how are you verifying that VM is getting rebooted ?

fad3t commented 11 months ago

Yes, we see the /vms API endpoint being called multiple times (a few GETs, a couple of PUTs). The PC version is 2022.6.0.7. We verify VM is rebooted through Nutanix audit, VM uptime, ..

Can you please check the description of the issue? We tried to include as many details as we could, and I even created a PR (that we just tested, it looks OK).

abhimutant commented 11 months ago

Merged. Closing the issue now.