nutdotnet / WinNUT-Client

WinForms-based client for monitoring your Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) connected to a Network UPS Tools (NUT) server.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Huawei UPS missing load display #150

Closed gbakeman closed 2 months ago

gbakeman commented 2 months ago

@MaxMadcc (Link)

I took a look at the NUT (Network UPS Tools) driver source code.

.power is apparent power. .realpower is active power.

So .realpower is actually the amount of power my UPS is consuming.

UPS variables ```HUAWEI01 (Huawei/UPS2000A/V2R1C1SPC40) battery.capacity (Battery capacity (Ah)) : 9 battery.charge (Battery charge (percent of full)) : 100.0 battery.charger.status (Battery charger status) : charging battery.packs (Number of battery packs) : 4 battery.runtime (Battery runtime (seconds)) : 2418 battery.voltage (Battery voltage (V)) : 54.4 device.mfr (Description unavailable) : Huawei device.model (Description unavailable) : UPS2000A device.serial (Description unavailable) : 2102290503HGJ7000056 device.type (Description unavailable) : ups driver.debug (Current debug verbosity level of the driver program) : 1 driver.flag.allow_killpower (Safety flip-switch to allow the driver daemon to send UPS shutdown command (accessible via driver.killpower)) : 0 (Driver name) : huawei-ups2000 driver.parameter.pollinterval (Description unavailable) : 3 driver.parameter.port (Description unavailable) : /dev/ttySVA100 driver.parameter.synchronous (Description unavailable) : no driver.state (Description unavailable) : updateinfo driver.version (Driver version - NUT release) : 2.8.1 driver.version.internal (Internal driver version) : 0.05 input.bypass.frequency (Description unavailable) : 50.0 input.bypass.voltage (Description unavailable) : 232.6 input.frequency (Input line frequency (Hz)) : 50.0 input.voltage (Input voltage (V)) : 232.6 output.current (Output current (A)) : 1.7 output.frequency (Output frequency (Hz)) : 50.0 output.power (Description unavailable) : 300.0 output.realpower (Description unavailable) : 200.0 output.voltage (Output voltage (V)) : 219.5 ups.beeper.status (UPS beeper status) : enabled ups.delay.reboot (Interval to wait before rebooting the UPS (seconds)) : 60 ups.delay.shutdown (Interval to wait after shutdown with delay command (seconds)) : 60 ups.delay.start (Interval to wait before (re)starting the load (seconds)) : 60 ups.firmware (UPS firmware) : V2R1C1SPC40 ups.firmware.aux (Auxiliary device firmware) : P1.0-D1.0 ups.load (Load on UPS (percent of full)) : 18.0 ups.mfr (UPS manufacturer) : Huawei ups.model (UPS model) : UPS2000A ups.power.nominal (UPS power rating (VA)) : 2000 ups.serial (UPS serial number) : 21 ups.status (UPS status) : OL CHRG ups.temperature (UPS temperature (degrees C)) : 28.4 ups.timer.reboot (Time before the load will be rebooted (seconds)) : -1 ups.timer.shutdown (Time before the load will be shutdown (seconds)) : -1 ups.timer.start (Time before the load will be started (seconds)) : -1 ups.type (UPS type) : online ```

The output power should be calculated according to the following. P = I*V It appears that my UPS variables include output.realpower and output.power, but the the load wattage graph show 0W and percentage of real power.

Log (part) ```2024/4/28 23:06:08 [30336, Nut_Socket]: Attempting authentication... 2024/4/28 23:06:08 [30336, Nut_Socket]: NUT server reports VER: 2.8.1 NETVER: 2024/4/28 23:06:08 [30336, UPS_Device]: Retrieving basic UPS product information... 2024/4/28 23:06:08 [30336, UPS_Device]: Determining best method to calculate power usage... 2024/4/28 23:06:08 [30336, UPS_Device]: ups.realpower is not supported by server. 2024/4/28 23:06:08 [30336, UPS_Device]: ups.realpower.nominal is not supported by server. 2024/4/28 23:06:08 [30336, UPS_Device]: input.current.nominal is not supported by server. 2024/4/28 23:06:08 [30336, UPS_Device]: Unable to find a suitable method to calculate power usage. 2024/4/28 23:06:08 [30336, UPS_Device]: output.frequency.nominal is not supported by server. 2024/4/28 23:06:08 [30336, UPS_Device]: Apply Fallback Value when retrieving output.frequency.nominal 2024/4/28 23:06:08 [30336, UPS_Device]: Completed retrieval of basic UPS product information. 2024/4/28 23:06:08 [30336, WinNUT]: Connection to Nut Host Established 2024/4/28 23:06:09 [30336, UPS_Device]: UPS statuses have CHANGED... 2024/4/28 23:06:09 [30336, UPS_Device]: Current statuses: OL,CHRG 2024/4/28 23:06:59 [30336, UPS_Device]: UPS device updating status is now [False] 2024/4/28 23:06:59 [30336, UPS_Device]: UPS device updating status is now [True] 2024/4/28 23:28:29 [30336, UPS_Device]: UPS device updating status is now [False] 2024/4/28 23:28:29 [30336, UPS_Device]: UPS device updating status is now [True] 2024/4/28 23:37:27 [30336, Pref_Gui]: Opened UI window to log location. 2024/4/28 23:37:39 [30336, WinNUT]: Disconnected from Nut Host 2024/4/28 23:37:39 [30336, WinNUT]: Client UPS_Connect subroutine beginning. ```


We seem to be missing output.current, output.voltage, and output.realpower for load calculation. output.power doesn't immediately appear to have any utility.

gbakeman commented 2 months ago

@MaxMadcc I'm noticing that the calculation for power based on current and voltage (219.5*1.7=373.15) is quite a lot different than your output.realpower reading. Can you confirm which if any of the variables/calculations represents the true power draw of your UPS?

MaxMadcc commented 2 months ago

According to the official manual and nut huawei-ups2000 driver. I think "output.realpower" is appropriate for reading values. I think that in certain UPS, "output.realpower" may not be readable, so use P=I V 0.8 (note: PF).

gbakeman commented 2 months ago

Thank you for finding that information! As I'm understanding it for now, it seems like output.power doesn't really have any use to us so I think I'll ignore that unless you have other ideas.

I'd like to propose a few tests if you wouldn't mind running them for me. I'm going to work on the power calculation method first so it supports your UPS, then I'd like you to give that build a try for me and report how it works. After that, I'll implement the direct reading from output.realpower as that seems to be the most convenient and accurate measurement available to us. Then I'd like you to test that and let me know how it works, then I'll have a pre-release up.

Let me know what you think about this.

gbakeman commented 2 months ago

Just put up a new debug build here, please download and test when convenient. This should cause WinNUT to calculate power based on your UPS's output voltage and current only. More direct variable reading will come in the future.

MaxMadcc commented 2 months ago

Just put up a new debug build here, please download and test when convenient. This should cause WinNUT to calculate power based on your UPS's output voltage and current only. More direct variable reading will come in the future.

Thanks for your build.

20240505105317 It seems to need round 1 or 2 number to the decimal places.

gbakeman commented 2 months ago


I'll try using NUT/upsd to put up a virtual UPS with your variables next time so I catch simple mistakes like this! I think the extra decimal places fix may be best applied at the gauge its self. I'm tempted to wrap that work into #136, especially since they too are missing the battery.voltage reading.

But in the meantime, I'll work on applying the next sub-feature here which is reading directly from output.realpower. Do you feel the current reading is fairly accurate then? Your realpower last time was ~200W and the power variable was around ~300W, so I wonder if you may have just been using more power when taking this picture.

gbakeman commented 2 months ago

I was able to emulate your UPS based on the variables you gave me earlier, so hopefully I catch issues in the future!


I'll look into rounding that Load calculation and implement the next step.

gbakeman commented 2 months ago

Another build is up now, this time with direct reading of output.realpower as well as correcting the decimal places. Please give it a try and let me know how it goes. I'll take a look at your translation PR then have a pre-release up soon.

MaxMadcc commented 2 months ago

Another build is up now, this time with direct reading of output.realpower as well as correcting the decimal places. Please give it a try and let me know how it goes. I'll take a look at your translation PR then have a pre-release up soon.

Thanks for your fix. It seems to be working well.

Low Load. 20240506231723 40% Load. 20240506231908