nuts-foundation / nuts-node

The reference implementation of the Nuts specification. A decentralized identity network based on the w3c ssi concepts with practical functionality for the healthcare domain.
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DIDMan: Resolve endpoints or compound services. #340

Closed stevenvegt closed 3 years ago

stevenvegt commented 3 years ago

Allow an application to resolve endpoints for a certain DID. Use the spec at

Create api endpoint in DIDMan to resolve endpoints for a did by type. This should automatically follow refs. It returns a map[name]URI.

GET nodeaddress:port/internal/didman/v1/did/{did}/serviceEndpoint?type={type}


GET nodeaddress:port/internal/didman/v1/did/did:nuts:123/serviceEndpoint?type=eOverdracht

  "fhir": "ref:did:nuts:555/serviceEndpoint?type=fhir-production",
  "auth": "ref:did:nuts:555/serviceEndpoint?type=oauth-production",

Gets internally resolved to:

  "fhir": "",
  "auth": ""
reinkrul commented 3 years ago

@stevenvegt isn't this fixed now?

stevenvegt commented 3 years ago

It was not broken. This is a proposal for endpoint resolving. Will be build along side the demo ehr needs.

reinkrul commented 3 years ago

I meant "solved", of course :-)

woutslakhorst commented 3 years ago

It might even be an API for vdr and not didman since resolving references is defined by the specs.

woutslakhorst commented 3 years ago

as discussed: didman

woutslakhorst commented 3 years ago

Currently didman has only a single API for 'getting' endpoints: getCompoundServices which returns a list of compound services for a DID. It should specify if these use resolved URLs or not.