nuttyartist / notes

Fast and beautiful note-taking app written in C++. Write down your thoughts.
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Can't iconize/recall app with key combo on Win10/11 #529

Open luc0x61 opened 1 year ago

luc0x61 commented 1 year ago

I'm running version 2.1.0, both on Windows 11 pro 22H2 and Windows 10 pro 22H2 (two different systems). The key combination Win + Shift + N looks to be not intercepted by the application, which doesn't minimize when the window is active, nor is recalled from the tray bar. Testing on Win 10, when the app is in the foreground, pressing Win + Shift + N inserts a capital 'N' in the active note, while Win + N inserts a lowercase 'n'. The app has been installed for the first time on this system (clean install). On Win 11, the keys Win + Shift + N have the same effect, while Win + N opens the system's notification panel (as expected).

[EDIT] I didn't check well with Win 11 and typing within a note field: has the same effect that on Win 10, when Shift is pressed

guihkx commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for reporting.

Can you please try to reproduce the problem with the 'portable' version of Notes?

You can download it from here. It's just a zipped folder, so you extract it anywhere and run Notes.exe (just make sure you closed any previous instances of the app).

Thank you.

luc0x61 commented 1 year ago

Just tested it on Win 10, same behavior as the installed application. Later today or tomorrow I can test it on Win 11. I'm sorry that my tests are just a "no-go" without helpful details. If it can give any info, all the OS tested are localized in Italian. Other than that they are completely different (CPU, memory, installed SW, etc.)

[EDIT] I tested on a third machine, Win 11 Home 22H2, using the portable EXE, with the same results said before. Win + Shift + N inserts a capital 'N' when active and doesn't recall the tray bar minimized application.