nuttyartist / notes

Fast and beautiful note-taking app written in C++. Write down your thoughts.
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A view that converts all TODOs into a Kanban #563

Closed nuttyartist closed 1 year ago

nuttyartist commented 1 year ago

Say you have a note with 3 headers, each as its own TODOs. If the list is getting long, it can be hard to keep track of different TODOs types. This is where Kanban view is useful. We can easily scan TODOs under headers and create Kanban. That is, remove/hide QTextEdit and switch to a kanban view back and forth.



This is some text we'll ignore

- [ ] TODO 1
- [ ] TODO 2
- [ ] TODO 3

## In Progress
- [ ] In Progress 1
- [ ] In Progress 2
- [ ] In Progress 3

Another text we'll ignore

## Done
- [x] Done 1
- [x] Done 2
- [x] Done 3

Will be converted into:

TODO In Progress Done
TODO 1 In Progress 1 Done 1
TODO 2 In Progress 2 Done 2
TODO 3 In Progress 3 Done 3

Maybe we can use an existing Qt open-source project? Or maybe we should implement this ourselves using QML (easier to create drag and drop?)

nuttyartist commented 1 year ago

Done in #574.