nuttyartist / notes

Fast and beautiful note-taking app written in C++. Write down your thoughts.
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CTRL+SHIFT+(+) and F11 doesn't work #568

Closed ShockedCoder closed 1 year ago

ShockedCoder commented 1 year ago

I try to increase the size of the header, and after that, I try to exit fullscreen only to realize F11 and Esc don't work at all.

EDIT: The scrolling suddenly started working after I turned the native window frame off and on again.

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

Which platform are you using? And which Qt version?

Increasing/decreasing the header size works for me on Linux, Notes v2.1.0, both on Qt5 and Qt6.

As for the fullscreen shortcut, it should be Ctrl + Shift + F. I'll look into adding F11 as an alternative.

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

(reopening to see if header size adjustment issue is fixed)

nuttyartist commented 1 year ago


ShockedCoder commented 1 year ago

Which platform are you using? And which Qt version?

Linux. The Qt version of the app depends on which version the program prefers, since I still have both Qt5 and Qt6 installed, because of some old programs that still need Qt5.

I'll try building the app from the latest commit and see if the header problem is still there and put the results in an edit.

Sorry for the late reply.

EDIT: F11 works now, but header switch still doesn't

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

The Qt version of the app depends on which version the program prefers, since I still have both Qt5 and Qt6 installed, because of some old programs that still need Qt5.

You can see the exact Qt version the app is running with at the bottom of the About window, which can be found by clicking the 3 dots in the upper right corner of the app, and then clicking "About Notes"

ShockedCoder commented 1 year ago

Oh right, the version is 6.4.3 then. image

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

I can think of four things that are causing this issue:

  1. Something is wrong with the app itself
  2. You're pressing the correct buttons, but they are getting caught before they reach the Notes app (i.e. your OS or another program is catching them)
  3. You're pressing the correct buttons, but your OS is translating them differently (maybe the CTRL+SHIFT combination causes the + and - to translate to something else). What's your keyboard layout?
  4. You're pressing the wrong buttons
ShockedCoder commented 1 year ago
  1. Unless something went wrong in building it I don't think that's it
  2. I checked the system key-binds and didn't find anything conflicting. (Maybe a key-bind detector program of sorts would help with figuring that out?)
  3. My keyboard layout is Finnish, and considering how the - works perfectly I don't think it's that
  4. I doubt it, since it even works with the keypad -

EDIT: I tried pressing CTRL+SHIFT+(+) with the version of the app I built myself, and considering how it starts typing "+" I think it's going through to the app. Maybe something to do with XFCE4? Just throwing something out there.

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

You can try the xev tool to see what your keyboard is typing. Install it and run it with xev -event keyboard.

I just noticed that for me, increasing and decreasing works with these buttons (QWERTY keyboard):


But increasing doesn't work with the numpad buttons, only decreasing. I'll look into why this happens.

ShockedCoder commented 1 year ago

I ran xev -event keyboard and got this image

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

Found it, see the pull request ^

As for how xev works, you put your cursor in the white window, and start pressing buttons. The output will appear in the terminal you're running xev from.

ShockedCoder commented 1 year ago

Looking at xev output it didn't seem like anything was intercepting it, so that's cleared off, ig.

I'll pull the commit and see if it's fixed

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

You can wait until the Github Action is done if you don't want to compile it yourself: it will produce AppImages that you can run to test.


ShockedCoder commented 1 year ago

It works :+1:

nuttyartist commented 1 year ago

Yay, thanks @zjeffer!